Career Transition and Redeployment

Uncertain economic realities today means that companies and Candidates must be prepared for changes, more so now than ever before. Right-sizing an organisation might be deployed as a last resort to realign business and talent strategies when market demands change. We are here to support these transitions and ensure that while business drivers are being considered, employees’ emotional and practical needs are being taken care of.

For an individual, we totally understand that a career transition is never easy, whether it is your first process or even if you have been through it a few times. We are here to help. Our career coaches will be with you every step of your career transitioning journey. We want to learn about your needs and interests and guide you to develop transferable skills. When you land an interview, we guide you to hone your interview skills. Our personalised programmes are intended to ease your career transition process, with all programmes conducted one-on-one. Reach your fullest potential together with us.

For companies going through a transformation, our Consultants and career experts from the field will be able to guide your leaders through this process, empowering your employees to transition forward successfully. We want to make sure that you have a smooth people transition journey so that you can focus on the other critical aspects of your business.

1. Personal Coaching and Career Planning

This is the heart of everything that we do with an Employee. One of our panel career coaches will be assigned to the Employee and are with them every step of the way. As much as possible, coaches with relevant industry knowledge will be assigned to the Employee to help them clarify their forward goals and to create an action plan and execute it.

Coaches will learn about the individual’s interests, skills, needs and goals. We will focus their search efforts and guide them to develop new skills. Most importantly, we will encourage them to stay productive and on track. When it is time to interview, these coaches will help to hone their techniques and make sure they showcase the best of their abilities during their interviews.

Career planning is also an integral part of this process. We aim to help Employees identify their ideal work environments, industries, companies and careers. Career assessments are done to obtain a detailed picture of their personality and preference.

2. Career Transitioning and Job Search

These advisory sessions with our career coaches include coaching on resume writing, LinkedIn profile optimisation, job search training and job interview preparation. The importance of personal branding when it comes to job searching will also be touched on. Candidates will be coached on how to create their brand identity and define their unique value proposition. With personal branding in place, it is easier to have a well-rounded job search strategy. A networking strategy is also customised to suit the individual’s personality and goals.

3. Monitoring and Support

Once previous parts are completed, there will be weekly follow-up sessions for our coaches to track an individual’s progress and provide advice should there be a need to change approach. We will also provide guidance for ongoing needs, such as tips for upcoming job interviews. This support ensures that you are able to execute a quick and effective job search

For more information, please contact us.